An AscendixRE Admin can configure the mapping between Deal and Availability using the Admin Console:
1. Go to the App Launcher (nine dots in the top left corner).
2. Type AscendixRE in the Search box
3. Click AscendixRE Admin Console.
This mapping can be used in the Deal Close process. To do so, follow the steps below:
1. Open AscendixRE Admin Console and select the Object Configurations tab.
2. Click the Configure Object Mappings button:
3. Select Source Object: Deal and Target Object: Availability.
4. You can also select the Deal Record type for mapping configuration:
5. Click the Add button (plus icon):
6. Click Save.
7. Select the newly created mapping in the Object Mappings picklist:
8. Click the Add Field Mapping button
9. Select Type: Static Value
10. Enter Source Value: Closed and Target Field: Status
11. Click Save and again Save
After the above steps, let's create a Deal with the following fields:
a. Deal Name: Ascendix Technologies
b. Property
c. Availability
When you close a deal, the availability status will be updated to closed.