LoopNet and Crexi functionality

    Discover the essential features and benefits of LoopNet and Crexi, two powerful online platforms for commercial real estate listings and transactions.

    This guide is designed to help users understand the expanded email processing capabilities. This functionality includes Apex classes for logic and automation, email field mappings specific to the Crexi and LoopNet platforms, and default templates that define how email should be parsed based on various criteria such as template mappings and source fields.

    Key Components of the Integration:

    • Apex Classes: These are pre-written code modules that perform specific functions, such as parsing incoming emails and mapping their content to Salesforce fields.
    • Mappings: Configurations that define how fields in incoming emails from Crexi and LoopNet are matched to Salesforce fields.
    • Templates: Define the structure and rules for parsing emails, including:
      • Pattern: The regex (regular expression) to look for in an email.
      • Field Name: The Salesforce field that should be populated with the parsed data.
      • Source: Where in the email to look for data (subject, fromName, fromEmail, body).
      • Is Optional: It ensures that components and classes are flexible and resilient, capable of handling various scenarios where some data may not be provided. 

    Overview: Crexi default template  

    The Crexi default template helps automatically create an Inquiry record in Salesforce by extracting information from a Crexi email. This process uses rules (defined in a JSON array) to identify key pieces of data in the email, match them to the correct Salesforce fields, and ensure the information is processed correctly.

    Let’s break down each part of the template:

    1.Email Address Extraction (Optional)

    • regexPattern: This pattern matches a standard email address format, capturing any sequence of letters, numbers, and certain characters (._%+-) followed by @ symbol, domain name, and a top-level domain (e.g., .com, .net).
    • fieldName: The captured email address is mapped to the Salesforce field ascendix__EmailAddress__c.
    • source: The search for this pattern is conducted in the body of the email.
    • isOptional: This field is marked as optional, indicating that if the email address is not found, it will not prevent the Inquiry record from being created or processed.

    2.Name Extraction

    • regexPattern: This pattern captures characters that are passed at the beginning of the subject email, specifically before the expression (.+) requesting Information on.
    • fieldName: The captured name is mapped to the Salesforce field Name.
    • source: Unlike the previous pattern, this data is extracted from the "Subject" part of the email


    • regexPattern: This pattern captures the characters passed in the body of the email, making sure to capture the phrase <p>(.*?Thank you!.*?).
    • fieldName: The captured description is mapped to the Salesforce field ascendix__Description__c.
    • source: The description is searched for in the body of the email.

    4.Telephone Number Extraction (Optional)

    • regexPattern: This pattern looks for a specific format of a telephone number in the United States: three digits, a period, three more digits, another period, and four final digits (e.g., 123.456.7890).
    • fieldName: The captured telephone number is mapped to the Salesforce field ascendix__Telephone__c.
    • source: The telephone number is searched for in the body of the email.
    • isOptional: This field is marked as optional, indicating that if a telephone number is not found, it will not prevent the Inquiry record from being created or processed.

    These rules collectively enable the automated creation of Inquiry records in Salesforce from Crexi email templates by extracting and mapping essential information such as property names, email addresses, names, and telephone numbers (optionally) from the email content.

    LoopNet and Crexi Configuration Functionality

    Create the LoopNet / Crexi component license in LMA

    1.Open AscendixRE license for the required organization.

    2.Click Generate New Component License.

    3.Select Expiration Date.

    4.Select Loopnet / Crexi type.

    5.Click Save.

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    Add new values for the Inquiry Source field:

    1.Navigate to Setup and open Object Manager.

    2.Find the Inquiry object.

    3.Select Field & Relationships.

    4.Find Inquiry Source field.

    5.Add new values LoopNet and Crexi.

    6.Check Lease and Sale record types.

    7.Click Save.

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    Enable the LoopNet and Crexi functionality in the AscendixRE Admin Console:

    1.Open AscendixRE Admin Console.

    2.Open Inbound Email Functionality.

    3.Enable functionality.

    4.Select default user, i.e. admin user.

    5.Enter the email in Notify on Errors field.

    6.Click Save.

    7.Repeat steps 3-6 for the LoopNet tab.

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    Create an Email Service in Salesforce

    Email service is a special process that uses Apex classes to process incoming email messages. When you set up an email service, we need to generate a special email address in which salesforce will receive your emails. 

    1.Navigate to Setup and in the Quick Find box, type Email Services and select it.

    2.Click on New Email Service. Fill in the necessary information, including the name of the service and a brief description. 
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    3.Choose an Email Service Name (i.e LoopNet/Crexi).

    4.Choose the Apex class included in the package that is designed to handle incoming emails:

    • For the LoopNet – LoopnetEmailParser

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    • For the Crexi – CrexiEmailParser 

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    5.Check the Active checkbox. 

    6.Click the Save and New Email Address button. 

    7.Enter the Email Address Name.

    8.Choose an Email Adress, this will be before and @in.salesforce.com domain. 

    9.Check the Active check box. 

    10.Select a context user, to the email service to save the incoming emails. 

    11.Leave blank the accept emails from text area.  

    12.Click on the Save button.

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    13.Check the Active check box. 

    14.Select a context user, to the email service to save the incoming emails. 

    15.Leave blank the accept emails from text area.  

    16.Click on the Save button.

    Set up redirection of email requests from the LoopNet and Crexi site

    As an example, we set it up for Microsoft Outlook email

    1.Open Microsoft Outlook.

    2.Open Tools.

    3.Select Rules.. option.

    4.Click +Add New Rule.

    5.Enter the name.

    6.Select From:

    • For the Crexi - emails@notifications.crexi.com
    • For the LoopNet - leads@loopnet.com  

    7.Select Redirect to:

    • For the Crexi, Email address which was generated in previous section, in our case crexi@m-su83wgaxu7cibka7hxnjc3t6n42q1bgtb50blqtva4effczxt.8j-8gpbuaq.cs222.apex.sandbox.salesforce.com  
    • For the LoopNet, Email address which was generated in previous section, in our case loopnet@45vyh5ncoue05c1w3hwru5p7doojr3ulk3nft7en859cosbh6.8j-8gpbuaq.cs222.apex.sandbox.salesforce.com  

    8.Click Save.

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    Send Test Emails

    To make sure everything is working properly, send test emails from both Crexi and LoopNet to the email addresses you've set up in Salesforce. Then, check that the information from these test emails is correctly captured and displayed in the appropriate fields in Salesforce.

    Creating a request to the SF organization after submitting a request on the Crexi website:

    1.Submit a request on the Crexi site.

    2.Open Inquiry object.

    3.An Inquiry is created with the following fields filled in:

    • Inquiry Name
    • Inquiry Source = Crexi
    • Telephone (optional)
    • Email Address (optional)
    • Description  

    Creating a request to the SF organization after submitting a request on the LoopNet website:

    1.Submit a request on the LoopNet site.

    2.Open Inquiry object.

    3.An Inquiry is created with the following fields filled in:

    • Inquiry Name
    • Inquiry Source = LoopNet
    • Telephone (optional)
    • Email Address
    • Description
    • First Name
    • Last Name

    Custom Metadata Types

    If there are any changes in the email format or content, users can easily create a custom template to fit the new format or context.

    Note: To change the template, please refer to the Salesforce Products team.

    1.Navigate to the Custom Metadata Types and click Manage Records next to the Email Field Mapping.

    2.Click New.

    3.Enter the label.

    4.Enter Email Field Mapping Name:

    • For the LoopNet: CustomLoopNet
    • For the Crexi: CustomCrexi

    5.Add the custom template (see Note).

    6.Check the Is Active check box.

    7.By default, an admin user will be set as the Default User. However, if you specify a different user, that user will then become the owner of any newly added Inquiry records.  

    7.Apply the changes by clicking the Save button. 

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    6.Check the Is Active check box.

    7.By default, an admin user will be set as the Default User. However, if you specify a different user, that user will then become the owner of any newly added Inquiry records.  

    7.Apply the changes by clicking the Save button. 

    Users can edit existing templates and create variations of them for different types of emails. This flexibility allows the email processing logic to be continually refined as new requirements or email formats emerge.